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Lauren Wimpee graduated from Ranken’s Automotive Collision Repair Technology program in May 2021. She recalls, “My favorite memory was when we were learning to refinish vehicles. We had a 2019 Camry in the shop, and it had a lot of new parts that needed painting. I spent a couple of days painting everything with my instructor. It was really fun, and I learned a lot within those couple days of painting.”
Tim Green, Automotive instructor explains, “Lauren served an internship with Schaefer Autobody while earning her degree at Ranken. She now works for Schaefer as a Service Writer. Lauren tells us, “Ranken has provided me plenty of information to use while performing my job. Although I don’t directly repair vehicles, I know the processes and can do smaller tasks if needed which makes my performance more efficient. Training to get into my position full-time was also done quicker since I had a better educational background.”
Heather Sims, General Manager at Schaefer Autobody’s Fenton, Missouri location, says “Lauren began her career with Schaefer while interning at the O’Fallon, Illinois location. The internship was a valuable experience for her. She came to our South County shop in February 2021 where she took on service writing. Lauren went back to the O’Fallon site for a short time before returning to our Fenton shop to become a permanent service writer. Lauren has always been eager to take on more work and she’s definitely a team player. She has become a real asset to me, picking up the slack when other service writers left our shop. Lauren has a great attitude and works the hours she’s asked, even when those hours go beyond her regular hours. She does a remarkable job with the tasks she’s given.”
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Service Writer @ Schaefer Autobody
Lauren Wimpee graduated from Ranken’s Automotive Collision Repair Technology program in May 2021. She recalls, “My favorite memory was when we were learning to refinish vehicles. We had a 2019 Camry in the shop, and it had a lot of new parts that needed painting. I spent a couple of days painting everything with my instructor. It was really fun, and I learned a lot within those couple days of painting.”
Tim Green, Automotive instructor explains, “Lauren served an internship with Schaefer Autobody while earning her degree at Ranken. She now works for Schaefer as a Service Writer. Lauren tells us, “Ranken has provided me plenty of information to use while performing my job. Although I don’t directly repair vehicles, I know the processes and can do smaller tasks if needed which makes my performance more efficient. Training to get into my position full-time was also done quicker since I had a better educational background.”
Heather Sims, General Manager at Schaefer Autobody’s Fenton, Missouri location, says “Lauren began her career with Schaefer while interning at the O’Fallon, Illinois location. The internship was a valuable experience for her. She came to our South County shop in February 2021 where she took on service writing. Lauren went back to the O’Fallon site for a short time before returning to our Fenton shop to become a permanent service writer. Lauren has always been eager to take on more work and she’s definitely a team player. She has become a real asset to me, picking up the slack when other service writers left our shop. Lauren has a great attitude and works the hours she’s asked, even when those hours go beyond her regular hours. She does a remarkable job with the tasks she’s given.”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Service Manager @ Lou Fusz Subaru
Jason Broeker tells us, “Ranken provided practical automotive knowledge to use as foundation to start my career. Upon program completion, I was ready to enter my field and engage.” Jason graduated in November of 1999 with an associate degree in Automotive Maintenance Technology. He is currently the Service Manager for Lou Fusz Subaru. Jason also worked an internship at Lou Fusz Dodge while attending Ranken. Internships are wonderful opportunities to demonstrate your talent and knowledge of the industry and establish solid relationships with prospective employers. Jason says his favorite memories during his time at Ranken were the days spent in line class, working in the shop environment with his peers.
Nathan Pitchford, General Manager at Lou Fusz Subaru, explains “Jason came to us ready, prepared to work, and added immediate value to our team. His work ethic and attention to detail stood out right away. Jason has gone through several promotions at our dealership, and we are now proud to have him as our Service Manager. Jason gets recognition from his coworkers and clients regularly. He has helped improve our dealership’s reputation in the community and we are lucky to have him on our team.”
Jason’s cousin, Michael Davenport graduated from Ranken’s Automotive Maintenance Technology program in 1995. His uncle, Gerald Davenport, graduated in June 1970 from the Automotive Maintenance and Repair program and taught for Ranken several years afterward. Another of Jason’s uncles, Allen Davenport, also taught Automotive Maintenance for Ranken for nearly 40 years.
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HVAC Technician @ Scott Air Force Base
Adam Blattel is much like many talented adults who spend years in search of their niche. Adam graduated with an Associate Degree in Automotive Maintenance Technology in May 2003. He returned to Ranken the fall term of 2019 as an evening student to pursue a two-year certificate in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Technology (HVAC), graduating in December 2020. Adam is a HVAC Technician at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois.
Benjamin Brown, HVAC Section Supervisor at Scott Air Force Base and HVAC instructor at Ranken Technical College, tells us “Adam was in my residential HVAC class. He was very serious about his education. He worked hard in class and asked lots of questions; his communication skills are outstanding. Adam applied for a temporary position at Scott AFB in the 375th HVAC Shop. This is a great way to gain experience working on all types of commercial, residential, and institutional equipment just coming out of school. He was hired as an apprentice but is working at a journeyman skill level. Adam is maintaining critical chillers, pumps, and air handling units that enable the Air Force global mission. He has been recognized as the ‘Performer of the Month’ for the 375th Civil Engineering Squadron. His background is working with computers and this fits in great when working with automated control systems. Adam is always on time and ready to work. He displays outstanding work ethic. I am proud to know Adam and to have been one of his instructors.”
Adam acknowledges, “My certificate from Ranken is the only reason I have this job. Every respected employer in this region requires you to attend Ranken. When speaking with potential employers in the Greater St. Louis area, like Jarrell Contracting and the Union, I repeatedly heard the same advice, ‘You have to go to Ranken.’” Of Adam’s favorite memories while attending Ranken, he enjoyed helping younger students succeed.
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Owner and General Manager @ Griffin Automotive Design & Collision Center
Scott Griffin explains, “Ranken prepared me for my career in the automotive field. It taught me to be responsible for my time throughout the day and be productive. I was able to secure employment right away after graduation and was a journeyman tech within two years of graduating.” Scott graduated in 1992 from Ranken’s Automotive Collision Repair Program.
“After ten years in the field, I started my own company,” he says. Scott is the proud owner and general manager of Griffin Automotive Design & Collision Center in Bonne Terre, Missouri. “I started very small in a 1,600 square foot shop. Now, after our fourth expansion, I have a 35,000 square foot facility. I give Ranken Technical College a lot of credit for helping set my career in motion with the right knowledge and tools I needed.”
Griffin Automotive Design has been a family-owned and operated auto repair shop since 2002. It is your one-stop shop for all things automotive: full restoration, metal fabrication, collision, body work, upholstery and interior, and everything mechanical featuring 54 working bays.
While attending Ranken Technical College, Scott was the VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America) class representative, and he won a number of awards at local and state Missouri competitions. Scott enjoyed the sportsmanship aspect of the program. VICA, now identified as SkillsUSA, brings employers, educators, and students together to promote superior workmanship, life-long education, and pride in the dignity of work. The contests encourage hands-on, friendly competition among students giving them recognition for their skills.
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Head Painter @ American Automotive, St. Louis
“Ranken really solidified me as a technician. I was a self-trained car enthusiast. The education I received at Ranken made me a professional technician and took my skills to the next level. The training Ranken gave me has allowed me to provide a good and comfortable living for my wife and daughter,” says Travis Oliver. Travis graduated in 2006 from Ranken’s Collision Repair Technology program. He is currently the Head Painter at American Automotive, St. Louis.
Tim Clark, Owner, American Automotive, tells us, “I have had the pleasure of working with Travis for a long time. The dictionary defines superlatives as: of the highest kind, quality, or order, surpassing all else, or others, supreme. When it comes to his work and who he is as a husband and father, as well as a coworker, that definition stands true. We are lucky to have him.” Tim has owned and operated American Automotive for more than 35 years. The company is a 4th generation-owned collision center.
Travis had the honor of being selected by Dan-Am Company, the exclusive distributor of SATA spray paint guns in the United States, to spend 10 days in Stuttgart, Germany (SATA’s headquarters) on an all-expense-paid trip to tour the factory, gain training, and explore Germany. He says, “It was a trio of a lifetime and very few painters earn this opportunity.”
John Helterbrand, former Department Chair of Automotive Collision, recalls Travis coming into the program, as many students do, thinking that customizing and restoring cars was his dream. “I saw Travis reexamine those ambitions as he realized his talents and abilities in collision and refinishing. I believe Travis is one of the best refinishers in St. Louis. I recruited him to teach evening school for Ranken’s collision program post-graduation.”
I remember a time when I was struggling with aluminum welding and passing my ICAR certification test. Mr. Helterbrand gave up a Saturday to train with me, one-on-one, to sharpen my skills. I am very grateful for his dedication to see me succeed.”
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Collision Repair Technician @ American Automotive
Oliver Gilmore received his Associate Degree in Automotive Collision Repair (ACR) Technology from Ranken Technical College in May of 2015. He currently works at American Automotive, a full-service auto body repair shop founded in 1929. American Automotive’s April Haddix notes that the company employs a number of Ranken alumni. She has observed firsthand that the college “provides the tools and skills needed for our staff to be well-rounded technicians.”
ACR Department Chair and instructor John Helterbrand states that as a student, Oliver was “very quality conscious, [he] pushed himself to be the best. I remember he was driven to work constantly on his hobby vehicle – a four-wheel drive that he loved!” Only a few years after graduating from Ranken, Oliver became a part-time evening instructor in collision repair. John was equally impressed by Oliver’s teaching ability, saying he “was a very good instructor, due to his compassion for people and his empathy.” Oliver continues to keep in touch with his former classmates, and former students, in the industry.
April sums up by telling us “Oliver is amazing. He has the combination of drive and skills that don’t come along very often!” According to a recent survey by the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF), Oliver is one of nearly 200,000 collision technicians nationwide employed at over 40,000 collision shops. Average annual income in the field is $54,842, with almost one in three technicians earning over $70,000.
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Aircraft Painter @ Boeing
Brian Imboden graduated May 2017 from Ranken’s Automotive Collision Repair Technology program. While working on his associates degree, Brian worked full time in a body. He is currently an aircraft painter at Boeing, the world’s largest aerospace company. Brian shared that his Ranken credentials were a great resource when applying for employment with Boeing.
Josh Avello, former Automotive Collision instructor and Ranken alum, tells us “Brian was an example of the quality of student Ranken instructors want. You could tell he was genuinely polite and attentive. He got along well with many, as I would see him laughing with friends, but Brian was also quick to be serious about working. He was reliable and didn’t hesitate when it came time to get the job done in the shop. I recall him being very humble about winning the SkillsUSA competition among his classmates.”
Brian was drawn to SkillsUSA competitions where he medaled multiple times carrying the torch for Ranken. In 2016, Brian placed 1st in the Collision Repair Technology district and state contests. He took 1st place medals in both contests again in 2017. Winning the gold at the state level qualified Brian for the 2016 and 2017 SkillsUSA National Conferences held in Louisville, Kentucky for which he received a $500 complementary stipend for representing Ranken. These are among Brian’s favorite memories of his time spent at Ranken.
Brian explains, “[Boeing] is a wonderful company to be with. They always want to have you expand yourself by going further with the company . . . The people are fun to be around. Working on fighter jets is always cool and fun; seeing the final product flying up in the air is always a sight to see.”
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Technician @ Schaefer Autobody Centers
Kyle Neely graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 2007 with a degree in Automotive Collision Repair (ACR). He is employed as a Technician by Schaefer Autobody Centers. Kristen Henry, a Sales & Marketing Lead at Schaefer, is impressed by his skills and willingness to help peers. “[Kyle] is a pillar of Schaefer Autobody Centers and we are proud he joined our team in 2008. Ranken produces high caliber technicians and we look forward to continuing to hire Ranken graduates.”
Beyond his professional accomplishments, Kyle Neely has made a major impact on social media. As the host of YouTube channel BlueCollarKyle, he provides a look behind the scenes of collision repair. Kyle produces step-by-step videos of various projects while providing valuable tips to industry professionals and laypersons alike. The channel has produced over 750 videos with a cumulative total of over 4.5 million views! BlueCollarKyle also has a strong presence on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Tik Tok. Kyle is a true ambassador for a field that employs 180,000 repair specialists across the nation.
Kyle gives Ranken props for his success, telling us “I knew I was going to work on cars from a young age. Ranken was able to dial in my knowledge and skills to the point that I could start my career with confidence. I appreciate the networking and connections I made while at Ranken. Some of those connections are part of the reason I’m where I am now.”
ACR Department Chair and faculty member John Helterbrand recalls how impressed he was with his former student. “Kyle was different, he wanted to bring attention to his industry. He was involved in the earliest days of social media, even writing code for Myspace.” John appreciates that Kyle is still engaged with Ranken, such as sitting on an Advisory Board. “Our industry wants to hear what he has to say. I’ve seen high school students, and teachers, who want his autograph or a selfie with him. Through it all, Kyle has stayed true to himself. He was and is a well-grounded young man, looking to help any way he can . . . celebrity does not go to his head!”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Owner/Operator of All The Details
John Nance is one of many Ranken Technical College alumni who apply their skills by owning and operating a small business. All the Details, established in 2010, is located in Fenton, MO. It provides collision repair, window tinting, restoration, bumper & wheel repair, paintless dent removal and professional detailing services. The company’s slogan is “We take care of All The Details and will make you a customer for life.”
John graduated Cum Laude in 2005 with an Associate of Technology degree in Automotive Collision Repair. While attending, he participated in the SkillsUSA competition, and remembers the pride he felt after placing 3rd nationwide on Ranken’s behalf. After graduating, he gained experience in the industry with repair shops such as Don Brown Chevrolet.
John Helterbrand instructed John Nance while he was attending Ranken. “He wanted to own a business from the first day I met him,” Mr. Helterbrand says. “John was an excellent student, definitely driven to achieve his goals, and has made a name for himself and his company. In fact, my wife’s business often uses [All the Details] to detail police vehicles.”
John Nance remains connected with Ranken, not only through his former teacher, but he became an evening instructor in welding and collision repair before running a business of his own. Through All the Details, he has also hired fellow Ranken alumni. Over a decade since attending, John sees how the college gave him the skills and expertise to succeed as an entrepreneur. “I wouldn’t be the owner of a company and doing body work without my Ranken education,” he says.
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Automotive Collision Technician @ South County Collision Center
Tyler Wagner is a 2020 graduate of Ranken’s Automotive Collision Repair program. He says, “Ranken was a great hands-on education that allowed me to get a jump start in my career.” While pursuing his degree, Tyler competed in the Auto Refinishing contest at the 2020 SkillsUSA District Championship where he took 1st place.
One of his instructors, Tim Green, Auto Collision instructor remembers Tyler being a great asset that he enjoyed having in class. He explained, on days when I can’t get around the shop fast enough, students sometime step up to assist fellow students with questions and give them direction. “Tyler was one of those students and he was good at it because he had experience. His classmates became close-knit; everyone got the support they needed when struggling with new tasks. When you have a student like Tyler, his desire to encourage others and help them succeed benefits the class and me as an instructor. I know he’ll be a great mentor to future Ranken collision apprentices.”
Tyler Wagner was born with innate characteristics for baseball and cars, whether foreign or domestic. In 2015, Tyler began working at Meramec Heights Collision Center, the second shop of Rob and Sheena Wagner. He started at the bottom, doing anything that needed to be done. Sheena, owner and manager, shared, “Tyler gained a lot of experience working on cars at a young age. His dad, Rob, owner of Performance Auto Body had him hanging around cars since before he could drive. While this was fun as a child, he realized his potential. After realizing professional baseball was harder than repairing cars, he began his Ranken journey in 2018. It was then, he began working on customer’s cars, pushing dents and repairing and replacing parts. He’s been cross-trained in many areas of the body repair business.”
Tyler now works at South County Collision Center, also owned by the Wagner’s. He works all areas of a body shop, talking with potential customers, and detailing and repairing cars. Tyler realizes that owning a business means “working the business” in order to succeed.
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Automotive Maintenance Technician @ Machens Ford Dealership
Pictured, left to right, Blake Forward, Cameron Anderson, Jacob Bailey, Jacob Crum
It’s not unusual to discover several Ranken Tech grads on the payroll of our industry partners. Machens Ford Dealership in Columbia, Missouri is one such company. Jared Phillippe, service advisor, warranty administrator, and service manager, tells us he currently has four of our graduates working on his team. “All four are great technicians with tons of knowledge and great work ethics. We couldn’t be any happier with the quality of techs we have seen come from Ranken. We look forward to continuing to recruit and employing more like them. We’ve heard rumors about Ranken opening a location in our region and we’d love to see that happen.”
On his team are automotive maintenance graduates: Jacob Bailey and Cameron Anderson (2020), Blake Forward (Magna Cum Laude, 2019), and Jacob Crum (Summa Cum Laude, 2017). Jacob Crum also graduated from Ranken’s Bachelor of Science in Applied Management (BSAM) Summa Cum Laude in 2018.
Jacob Bailey shared, “Ranken set me up to meet some of the greatest friends that I have now and gave me the opportunity to work my way up in one of the biggest Ford dealers in Missouri. I made so many great memories at Ranken.” Jared Phillippe says, “Jacob Bailey came to us work-ready and well trained. Jacob was recently promoted from technician to service advisor. He’s self-motivated and we love him here.”
Andrew Jesse, Ranken Automotive Certified Dealership Technician Program instructor, explained, “Machens Ford in Columbia is a tremendous industry partner and is key to the success of these students. Each of these students has a unique skill set and their dealership is helping them to continue to develop those skills. Jacob Crum is now a Ford Certified Senior Master Technician, Cameron Anderson & Blake Forward are advancing towards the senior master level, and Jacob Bailey is currently pursuing the path to service management by working as a service advisor at his dealership.”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Automotive Service Advisor @ Machens Ford Dealership
Pictured, left to right, Blake Forward, Cameron Anderson, Jacob Bailey, Jacob Crum
It’s not unusual to discover several Ranken Tech grads on the payroll of our industry partners. Machens Ford Dealership in Columbia, Missouri is one such company. Jared Phillippe, service advisor, warranty administrator, and service manager, tells us he currently has four of our graduates working on his team. “All four are great technicians with tons of knowledge and great work ethics. We couldn’t be any happier with the quality of techs we have seen come from Ranken. We look forward to continuing to recruit and employing more like them. We’ve heard rumors about Ranken opening a location in our region and we’d love to see that happen.”
On his team are automotive maintenance graduates: Jacob Bailey and Cameron Anderson (2020), Blake Forward (Magna Cum Laude, 2019), and Jacob Crum (Summa Cum Laude, 2017). Jacob Crum also graduated from Ranken’s Bachelor of Science in Applied Management (BSAM) Summa Cum Laude in 2018.
Jacob Bailey shared, “Ranken set me up to meet some of the greatest friends that I have now and gave me the opportunity to work my way up in one of the biggest Ford dealers in Missouri. I made so many great memories at Ranken.” Jared Phillippe says, “Jacob Bailey came to us work-ready and well trained. Jacob was recently promoted from technician to service advisor. He’s self-motivated and we love him here.”
Andrew Jesse, Ranken Automotive Certified Dealership Technician Program instructor, explained, “Machens Ford in Columbia is a tremendous industry partner and is key to the success of these students. Each of these students has a unique skill set and their dealership is helping them to continue to develop those skills. Jacob Crum is now a Ford Certified Senior Master Technician, Cameron Anderson & Blake Forward are advancing towards the senior master level, and Jacob Bailey is currently pursuing the path to service management by working as a service advisor at his dealership.”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Diesel Mechanic @ Republic Services
Ranken Technical College proudly holds an amazing job placement rate of 98%. Career services is a lifetime benefit that the college offers its graduates. Industry partners and graduates alike frequently take advantage of this opportunity to seek advancement and/or fill vacancies.
Gabriel Ware graduated with a degree in Automotive Diesel Technology in 2020 at Ranken’s Wentzville location. Gabe explains, “Ranken is an amazing school to have on your resume. I have gotten so many interviews and been offered many jobs because of it. It [Ranken] was a great way for me to get my foot in the door of an industry I had no idea about!” Eric DeSplinter, diesel instructor, describes Gabe as an industrious young man: “Gabe Ware was a hard-working student that had good grades. [Gabe] was always involved in the class scenarios that he had a good understanding of.”
Now working as a diesel mechanic for Republic Services, Gabe is highly valued by his employer. Republic Services has an entire fleet of diesel vehicles. It strives to be America’s preferred recycling and waste services partner. Their vision is to be an employer of choice, a company that makes every effort to create a meaningful and rewarding workplace where safety is revered, and each employee can be a compassionate steward of our environment. Anthony Byers, fleet supervisor at Republic Services tells us, “Gabe is one of our top trainees. He is a model employee whose work surpasses others. Gabe is punctual and respectful. After just one month, Gabe is working solo on his own jobs, repairing and servicing our diesel fleet.”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Automotive Technician @ Morley Performance LLC
By now you may have noticed a pattern with our graduates. They work hard, and they do well in the SkillsUSA competition year after year. This next graduate is no different. Richard Maor took first place earlier this year in the auto services contest at the district level, and would have competed in the State Championship had it not been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nevertheless, Maor didn’t allow the disappointment to hinder his studies, successfully completing Ranken’s Advanced High Performance Racing Technologies program, and graduating Summa Cum Laude this past May.
“My Ranken experience would have been incomplete without the forever helpful faculty and staff,” Maor says. “The dedication they gave to handing over knowledge to their students is remarkable! I will forever remember my stint at Ranken.”
Maor left a lasting impression on his instructors as well.
“Richard Maor is the most outstanding student I have had so far at Ranken,” said Donald Rote, High Performance Racing instructor. “He excelled in coursework with a high “A”, and he excelled in Work Ethic well beyond 100%, always coming in before and staying after class to lend a hand wherever necessary without ever being asked.”
Now, Maor is employed as a technician at Morley Performance LLC, where his employer Dave Smith speaks highly of him.
“Richard is great,” Smith says. “He does everything we ask of him and more. He is knowledgeable and understanding of all aspects of his field. Not only is he a skilled mechanic, but he communicates well with customers and is a great salesman.”
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Service Technician @ Bommarito Chevrolet
Service Advisor @ Caliber Collision, Hampton, Virginia
A majority of Ranken students are from Greater St. Louis, but the College’s reach is far wider, with young men and women attending from throughout the Midwest. One such student is Chazzerene ‘Chazz’ Howard, who left her hometown in western Tennessee and enrolled in the Collision Repair Technology degree program. She was one of the very first students to take part in Ranken‘s new Collision Engineering model – alternating 8-weeks of instruction with 8-weeks of paid work experience at a local shop.
Chazz immediately impressed her instructors. Collision Repair Department Chair and faculty member John Helterbrand explains, “I was struck by her self-motivation and the way she was ‘super-focused’ on her education. Anything she did, got her full effort. While building her technical skills, Chazz’s character and work ethic shone through.”
Chazz is equally appreciative of her Ranken experience, telling us the college “had a huge impact on both my life and career path. It has allowed me to reach far beyond my comfort zone.” She graduated in May 2019 with Cum Laude honors.
As a student, Chazz impressed representatives of Caliber Collision, the second-largest Multi-Shop Operator (MSO) nationwide, when they toured Ranken. This led to full-time employment post-graduation with Caliber, where Chazzerene has been employed as a Service Advisor in Hampton, Virginia. Chazz’s branch General Manager, Eric Carr says, “She has been an invaluable addition to his team. Her experience in auto repair is what makes an estimator not just good, but great. As young as she is, with the knowledge she has, she will keep moving forward . . . she’ll probably replace me someday!”
John Helterbrand fully agrees that Chazz’s current position is a stepping stone toward the future. “Chazzerene is a lifelong learner with amazing things in front of her. It’s clear to everyone, her journey is just beginning!”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Automotive Maintenance Technician @ Machens Ford Dealership
Pictured, left to right, Blake Forward, Cameron Anderson, Jacob Bailey, Jacob Crum
It’s not unusual to discover several Ranken Tech grads on the payroll of our industry partners. Machens Ford Dealership in Columbia, Missouri is one such company. Jared Phillippe, service advisor, warranty administrator, and service manager, tells us he currently has four of our graduates working on his team. “All four are great technicians with tons of knowledge and great work ethics. We couldn’t be any happier with the quality of techs we have seen come from Ranken. We look forward to continuing to recruit and employing more like them. We’ve heard rumors about Ranken opening a location in our region and we’d love to see that happen.”
On his team are automotive maintenance graduates: Jacob Bailey and Cameron Anderson (2020), Blake Forward (Magna Cum Laude, 2019), and Jacob Crum (Summa Cum Laude, 2017). Jacob Crum also graduated from Ranken’s Bachelor of Science in Applied Management (BSAM) Summa Cum Laude in 2018.
Jacob Bailey shared, “Ranken set me up to meet some of the greatest friends that I have now and gave me the opportunity to work my way up in one of the biggest Ford dealers in Missouri. I made so many great memories at Ranken.” Jared Phillippe says, “Jacob Bailey came to us work-ready and well trained. Jacob was recently promoted from technician to service advisor. He’s self-motivated and we love him here.”
Andrew Jesse, Ranken Automotive Certified Dealership Technician Program instructor, explained, “Machens Ford in Columbia is a tremendous industry partner and is key to the success of these students. Each of these students has a unique skill set and their dealership is helping them to continue to develop those skills. Jacob Crum is now a Ford Certified Senior Master Technician, Cameron Anderson & Blake Forward are advancing towards the senior master level, and Jacob Bailey is currently pursuing the path to service management by working as a service advisor at his dealership.”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Technician @ Firestone Complete Auto Care
Trace Gray graduated from the High Performance Racing Technology degree program in 2018. Trace was hired by Firestone Complete Auto Care as a Technician, setting himself the goal of becoming Lead Tech within five years while pursuing his state inspector’s license.
Donald Rote, a High Performance instructor at Ranken, was impressed by Trace’s attitude in class, and the fact that he was “always willing to lend a hand or supportive ear to other students.” Trace was able to work at Firestone before he graduated, a perfect partnership that allowed him to apply his newfound knowledge in a real-world scenario.
“He works closely with our Master Tech, learning new things daily,” says Amy Gillam, a Senior Recruiter at Firestone. While becoming his location’s go-to alignment specialist, Trace also “loves working on high performance cars whenever he can,” Amy relates.
Firestone has 27 service locations across the St. Louis region. On Firestone’s behalf, Amy has seen how quickly Trace has taken to his new position: “We enjoy Trace being on our team! He helps keep the store in line and organized, so much so that his nickname is ‘Sheriff’!”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Ford Certified Senior Master Technician @ Machens Ford Dealership
Pictured, left to right, Blake Forward, Cameron Anderson, Jacob Bailey, Jacob Crum
It’s not unusual to discover several Ranken Tech grads on the payroll of our industry partners. Machens Ford Dealership in Columbia, Missouri is one such company. Jared Phillippe, service advisor, warranty administrator, and service manager, tells us he currently has four of our graduates working on his team. “All four are great technicians with tons of knowledge and great work ethics. We couldn’t be any happier with the quality of techs we have seen come from Ranken. We look forward to continuing to recruit and employing more like them. We’ve heard rumors about Ranken opening a location in our region and we’d love to see that happen.”
On his team are automotive maintenance graduates: Jacob Bailey and Cameron Anderson (2020), Blake Forward (Magna Cum Laude, 2019), and Jacob Crum (Summa Cum Laude, 2017). Jacob Crum also graduated from Ranken’s Bachelor of Science in Applied Management (BSAM) Summa Cum Laude in 2018.
Jacob Bailey shared, “Ranken set me up to meet some of the greatest friends that I have now and gave me the opportunity to work my way up in one of the biggest Ford dealers in Missouri. I made so many great memories at Ranken.” Jared Phillippe says, “Jacob Bailey came to us work-ready and well trained. Jacob was recently promoted from technician to service advisor. He’s self-motivated and we love him here.”
Andrew Jesse, Ranken Automotive Certified Dealership Technician Program instructor, explained, “Machens Ford in Columbia is a tremendous industry partner and is key to the success of these students. Each of these students has a unique skill set and their dealership is helping them to continue to develop those skills. Jacob Crum is now a Ford Certified Senior Master Technician, Cameron Anderson & Blake Forward are advancing towards the senior master level, and Jacob Bailey is currently pursuing the path to service management by working as a service advisor at his dealership.”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Lead Technician @ Firestone Complete Auto Care
Ross Stromberg is currently employed with Firestone Complete Auto Care, which has 27 locations across the St. Louis region. Firestone has partnered with Ranken Technical College and hired Ranken alumni for decades.
Ross started working there while enrolled in the Automotive Maintenance Technology (AMT) program at Ranken in Wentzville. Part of the Wentzville location’s very first graduating class in Automotive Maintenance (2014), Ross has worked his way up to become a Lead Technician at Firestone and achieved L1 certification. Amy Gillam, a Senior Recruiter at Firestone, states they “are super proud of the work Ross does, and we love to see him train and coach new Ranken students.”
While attending Ranken, Ross was able to find a productive balance between working with the cars at Firestone’s shop, applying what he had learned, and setting himself on a successful career path. He continues to be a vital link between other Ranken alumni and his workplace. Amy tells Ranken, “He definitely shows a sense of pride being able to show what he has accomplished and where he came from.”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Lead Refinish Technician @ Car Craft Auto Body
Katie Beck graduated May 2013 from Ranken’s Automotive Collision Repair program. While there she competed in many SkillsUSA events. In 2012, she placed 2nd in Ranken’s District Auto Refinishing contest. She advanced to the State Championship, placing 1st in Auto Collision. Next stop, the SkillsUSA National Conference. In 2013, Katie finished 1st in Ranken’s District Auto Refinishing contest. She took 3rd in Auto Collision at the State Championship. Katie says, “SkillsUSA competitions and the skills I learned while there” are my favorite memories of Ranken. [Ranken] taught me to be punctual, self-disciplined, and to never give up.”
Katie’s resume includes Schaefer Auto Body, Plaza Collision, and Car Max. She now works as the Lead Refinish Technician for Car Craft Auto Body. Phil Meier, General Manager at Car Craft, explains, “Katie joined our team in December 2018. She has a great work ethic, pride in her work, positive attitude, and determination. In December of 2019, Car Craft acquired a 5th location in Hazelwood, MO. Car Craft granted Katie the opportunity to transfer to the Hazelwood location and take on the role of lead refinish technician. Without hesitation, she accepted the offer. Katie has now been the lead refinish technician at our Hazelwood location since January 2019. She is the poster girl for future technicians interested in auto refinishing. To say we enjoy having Katie on the team is an understatement. Katie is a great person and an awesome employee. Loyalty, care, and compassion are just a few words that come to mind when reflecting on Katie. We look forward to her future and growing with Katie as she continues her journey in collision repair and refinishing.”
John Helterbrand, former department chair of Automotive Collision Repair, recalls meeting Katie for the first time. “My family went with me to Chicago for Sherwin Williams training for SkillsUSA students. Her high school instructor told me Katie had been chasing ducks in front of the hotel for several hours and planned to take one home if she caught one. I was troubled as I had volunteered to take Katie home after training. She never caught a duck, but she did manage to keep me on my toes for two years.” John adds, “Katie is fearless. She was a self-promoter, respected by her classmates, and mentor to other ladies in our automotive programs. Katie has grown into a true success in a career to be proud of.” Katie’s brother, Kyle, also graduated from Ranken’s ACR program in 2014.
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Technician @ Schaefer Autobody Centers
Kyle Neely graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 2007 with a degree in Automotive Collision Repair (ACR). He is employed as a Technician by Schaefer Autobody Centers. Kristen Henry, a Sales & Marketing Lead at Schaefer, is impressed by his skills and willingness to help peers. “[Kyle] is a pillar of Schaefer Autobody Centers and we are proud he joined our team in 2008. Ranken produces high caliber technicians and we look forward to continuing to hire Ranken graduates.”
Beyond his professional accomplishments, Kyle Neely has made a major impact on social media. As the host of YouTube channel BlueCollarKyle, he provides a look behind the scenes of collision repair. Kyle produces step-by-step videos of various projects while providing valuable tips to industry professionals and laypersons alike. The channel has produced over 750 videos with a cumulative total of over 4.5 million views! BlueCollarKyle also has a strong presence on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Tik Tok. Kyle is a true ambassador for a field that employs 180,000 repair specialists across the nation.
Kyle gives Ranken props for his success, telling us “I knew I was going to work on cars from a young age. Ranken was able to dial in my knowledge and skills to the point that I could start my career with confidence. I appreciate the networking and connections I made while at Ranken. Some of those connections are part of the reason I’m where I am now.”
ACR Department Chair and faculty member John Helterbrand recalls how impressed he was with his former student. “Kyle was different, he wanted to bring attention to his industry. He was involved in the earliest days of social media, even writing code for Myspace.” John appreciates that Kyle is still engaged with Ranken, such as sitting on an Advisory Board. “Our industry wants to hear what he has to say. I’ve seen high school students, and teachers, who want his autograph or a selfie with him. Through it all, Kyle has stayed true to himself. He was and is a well-grounded young man, looking to help any way he can . . . celebrity does not go to his head!”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Joe graduated in 1968 from the Automotive Mechanic program, served in the Army as a supply clerk in Hawaii then returned to Ranken and completed the Automotive Collision Repair program in 1971. He worked in auto collision repair his entire career. First, he was at Lincoln Mercury in East St. Louis for 3 years. He then moved to Meyer Oldsmobile for 17 years and finished his career at Jack Schmidt Ford for eleven years as the auto body shop manager. He retired at 54 and now spends his time working on his hobby, street rods. He is a member of a club and has four street rods that he works on. He takes his cars to car shows and on road trips. Joe attended a reunion with several of his classmates on campus during an open house several years ago. “I was amazed at how much the campus had changed since I attended.” He recalled. Joe has been married to his wife for 51 years and has two kids and 4 grandkids.
Pete’s first job after graduating was for a construction company in Madison, IL repairing heavy equipment. After this his career took a different path. Pete decided to become a police officer which he did for two years. He then got into security work and completed his bachelor’s degree from LaSalle University in 1990. He eventually got hired to work security at Emerson which he did for 32 years before retiring. Pete did not stay retired long. After two years he got bored and went to work for Guarda Security where he still works. Pete says, “Ranken was a great school. I am glad I went there. The safety training, I received at Ranken saved my life. In my first job a piece of medal punctured a vein in my wrist. I was bleeding really bad and I remembered what our teachers told us to do. I immediately put pressure on the wound to control the bleeding until I got to the hospital.” Pete has two daughters and three grandkids. He remembers carpooling with classmates Tom Kasprovich and John Calaway and talking with the guys about racing cars, a hobby which he enjoyed for years at Gateway and Alton Dragway. Pete wrote a book on weight loss in 1993 titled Thirty-Five Pounds Gone.
John remembers Pete Kostecki’s lime green 1963, 6 cylinder Plymouth with the tiger skin vinyl roof which he got to work on as a student. He said, “Pete wanted to put an 8 cylinder engine in it and his Dad told him not til the 6 cylinder blew. Pete could never get the 6 cylinder to blow. Those 6 cylinders were bullet proof.” Several of the students, against the instruction of their teachers, would go to the interstate and race their cars. One day they were caught and were late for class. Ranken instructor Mr. Turnbull was not happy. The boys use to kid with Mr. Turnbull about Fords, of which Mr. Turnbull was a fan. The boys would say Ford stood for “found on road dead” Mr. Turnbull would counter with “first on race day.” John also remembers the boys all had their draft number written on their lapel, an ominous reminder of the times in which they lived. After graduating John worked as an auto mechanic, then went to work for his father-in-law as a combustion engineer. Later he went back to school at SIUE’s Environmental Resource Training Center, after which he worked for Granite City in wastewater treatment. John is grateful for his Ranken education. He remembers going to the GM school for eight weeks. He said he outshined the students from Bailey Tech because of the training he received at Ranken. John’s wife passed away in 2009 – he remarried in 2011 and moved to Arenzville, IL where they live now.
Michael went to work at the GMC Truck Center on Chouteau in 1971 after graduating and stayed there until 1975. He then worked at an independent car and light truck center and became a part-time evening instructor at Ranken. From 1978 through 1991 he moved between Art Haack GMC and the GMC Truck Center holding the positions of Shop Foreman, Service Advisor, and Truck Service Manager. From there he worked at S & K Electric and then Bistate Development each for one year, before getting hired by FedEx as a senior heavy truck mechanic. Michael retired from FedEx in 2015. Michael has been an ASE Master Mechanic since 1975 and was named ASE Technician of the year (Medium/Heavy Truck electrical systems). Congratulations, Michael!
Owner, Certified Performance and Auto Repair, Inc.
Brad Francis, ’01 Automotive Technology Grad, did not like high school. He did like working with his hands and as a high school student he worked as an automotive technician at an independently owned repair shop. The owner and employees at this repair shop were all Ranken graduates.
After high school he decided to go to Ranken. “I wanted to be a great mechanic. Real world experience was good, but I really wanted to know my craft. I was not a fan of high school and skipped a lot of school as a result. At Ranken I only missed one day and that was because I was at work and had the start day wrong.” After graduating he continued to work at the same repair shop.
After a few years working for someone Brad got the entrepreneur urge and he decided to go into business for himself. In 2005, at the age of 23 Brad opened his own independent repair shop in Overland, MO and after a month in business convinced one of his friends from Ranken to join him in the venture. Business was good, but realizing that many of their customers were from St. Charles County, they decided to move their business. They eventually ended up in Moscow Mills, MO, where they found a good deal on the building that they still own and onto which they recently added 4500 square feet. Today, Certified Performance and Auto Repair Inc. http://www.stlcarrepair.com/ is a respected and successful business.
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Auto Body Technician @ Gapsch Carstar Collision Center
The relationships Ranken Technical College has been able to cultivate and nurture with employer partners has been invaluable to our students. Because of this, we love hearing positive feedback about graduates after they’ve entered jobs in their fields.
Ashis Gurung is one example. As a May 2020 graduate of the Automotive Collision Repair Technology program, Gurung has adjusted well to the demands of the workforce, and his employer at Gapsch CARSTAR Collision Center credits his training at Ranken.
“Ashis has been an immediate asset to the team,” said Rob Smith, Business Development & Community Relations at Gapsch. “As he trains closely with a lead technician, he continues to learn while improving his skillset on a daily basis.”
Gurung says his best memory of ranken was getting the hands-on training he needed, and that “Ranken gave me the background of basic skills that prepared me to succeed.”
Rob Smith agrees.
“The relationship between Gapsch CARSTAR and Ranken is WIN-WIN,” he said. “We LOVE to give back to the industry with time and training and it gets us great community exposure which leads to brand recognition. We get to meet technicians before they start applying and they get to meet us before they know what culture they are looking for in a work environment.”
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/
Automotive Technician @ Rob Sight Ford
As an institution, we know that our graduates will enter the workforce with the necessary skills to not only succeed, but thrive. As a result, we love hearing from employers that have hired our graduates. Andrew Fields graduated from the Ford ASSET program in 2017. Here’s what his employer had to say about him.
“Andy came to us as a young man eager to learn in the automotive industry and sought out the best education he could find in Ranken to help him do so. Sponsoring him in the Ford ASSET program was one of the greatest decisions we ever made. He shows up day in day out with a tremendous attitude and displays an advanced level of technical knowledge with every job he works on. More importantly, he shares that knowledge with any other individual (not just technicians) who needs help and wants to learn. That is perhaps the best part about Andy.
His growth is exactly what we want to see from young men and women in our dealership. It makes me proud that his success has provided him a great life, home and family.”—Robert Sight, Rob Sight Ford.
Learn more at https://ranken.edu/find-your-career-path/