RFP’s & IFB’s are being entertained for the categories defined below for this project
Architectural & Engineering RFP Information
CTS Group
Construction IFB Information
Awarded to: Hankins Construction
Bids Closed
Sealed bids will be received by Lincoln County R-III School District. Bids will be received at School District Administration Offices, located at 951 West College Street, Troy, Missouri, 63379, until Friday, November 6, 2020, at 10:00 AM for the Workforce Development Center. Bids will be opened publicly at that time and read aloud. A virtual meeting and recording will be made of the bid opening.
Copies of plans and specifications can be seen or purchased for a Non-Refundable fee on-line at
www.drexeltech.com in their eDistribution plan room, additional assistance is available at
[email protected]. Information regarding this project can be found in the “Public Jobs” link on the website. Contractors desiring the Contract Documents for use in preparing bids may also obtain a set of such documents from Drexel Technologies; 60 Progress Parkway, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, telephone number is 314-872-0900. Bidding documents will be shipped only if the requesting party assumes responsibility for all related charges. Corporate, certified, or cashier’s checks shall be made payable to Drexel Technologies, Inc.
Questions regarding the plans and specifications can be sent electronically to Gordon Schweitzer at CTS Group, as the Owner’s representative. The email address is “[email protected]“. All RFI questions and responses will be shared on the Drexel Plan Room. All questions must be submitted prior to 10/30/2020 at 12:00 pm. Questions received after this date will not be answered.
Not less than the prevailing hourly wage rates, as determined by the State of Missouri, Division of Labor Standards, shall be paid all workers employed on this project. In addition, prevailing wage rates as required by the Davis-Bacon Act shall be paid all workers employed on this project. The higher of the two rates shall apply. The Board of Education reserves the right to waive technicalities, to select any contractor filing a proposal, and to reject any or all bids.
MBE, WBE, and Section 3-DME bidders are encouraged to bid on this project.
No Pre-Bid Meeting will be held for this project.
Questions for Ranken-West?