On Tuesday, Ranken welcomed local government officials and business representatives for a manufacturing briefing hosted by the City of St. Louis’ License Collector Mavis Thompson. With the goal of examining the comeback of the manufacturing industry, discussion topics included financing options, globalization, LEAN innovation, tax incentives, tax-exempt bond financing and talent recruitment.The event also featured a luncheon and panel discussion in the Mary Ann Lee Technology Center Atrium, following the seminar in the auditorium.
The event was sponsored by Chairman of the Board of World Wide Technology, Inc. David Steward and moderated by Director of Communications for the Office of the License Collector Chi Mathias.
Guest speakers included representatives from the Office of the License Collector, the Royal Banks of Missouri, Missouri Association of Manufacturers, St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, Armstrong Teasdale, Stern Bros., SLATE and ExperienceLab.
President Stan Shoun also presented a discussion about talent recruitment and specialty training, and answered questions during the panel discussion. The panel discussion was moderated by Editor of the St. Louis Business Journal Ellen Sherberg.