COVID-19 (CoronaVirus) Information & Resources
NOTICE: This page is kept for archival purposes. For all current policies and procedures, please refer to the student handbook or your instructor. No procedures on this page are currently in effect.
Latest Update: September 19, 2022
Ranken Technical College is closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the pandemic, our actions have been guided by the CDC guidelines, along with the various counties’ guidelines and mandates. We continue to respond to the latest COVID-19 conditions with policies that will allow us to learn, work, and be in the community together safely.
Students are asked to follow the latest CDC guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19. As with any illness, we ask that students stay home if they are experiencing symptoms and inform their technical instructor that they will be absent from class. Students should keep all medical documentation, including test results. In the event a student needs to complete a Notice of Appeal Form for exceeding the allowable number of absences in a course, the student will then upload any medication documentation at that time.
Current COVID-19 Guidelines & Information
St. Louis City Health Department:
St. Louis County Health Department:
St. Charles County Health Department:
Perry County Health Department:
Find community COVID-19 levels and prevention steps by county:
Tested Positive for COVID-19?
Student quarantines at home for 5 days, starting from symptom onset date. Student wears mask for 5 days following quarantine.
Exposed to COVID-19?
Student wears mask for 10 days following exposure.
Wearing Masks
While masks will no longer be required by the City of St. Louis, any of our students or faculty/staff who wish to continue wearing them may do so. Some are ready for masks to go away but some also understandably still have concerns and will continue wearing them. Please be respectful of those making choices different from your own.
- Use and Care of Masks –
UPDATED: March 7, 2022
The St. Louis City mask mandate ended March 5th at 11:59 p.m.
The Department of Health strongly recommends you continue to wear a mask indoors, especially:
- If you have, or are around people with, pre-existing medical conditions
- If you are immunocompromised or around people who are immunocompromised
- If you are at risk, or around someone at risk, for severe disease
- If you are over 65 years old, or are around people who are over 65 years old
- Around children under the age of 5, who are not eligible for vaccination and many of whom are unable to wear a mask
- Around children (ages 5 – 11) who are not eligible for boosters
- In congregate living facilities
- In schools
- At faith community gatherings
- At social festivities
While masks will no longer be required by the City of St. Louis, any of our students or faculty/staff who wish to continue wearing them may do so. Some are ready for masks to go away but some also understandably still have concerns and will continue wearing them. Please be respectful of those making choices different from your own.
January 3, 2022, Ranken will continue to adhere to health guidelines for COVID-19.
- Continuing as of January 3, 2022, everyone at the St. Louis campus will be required to continue wearing a face mask regardless of vaccination status, per city mandate.
- Continuing as of January 3, 2022, everyone at the Perryville and Wentzville locations who is not fully vaccinated must still wear a mask.
- Continuing as of January 3, 2022, all plexiglass barriers will remain in place at all locations.
November 23, 2021, Ranken will continue to adhere to health guidelines for COVID-19.
- Continuing as of November 23, 2021, everyone at the St. Louis campus will be required to continue wearing a face mask regardless of vaccination status.
- Continuing as of November 23, 2021, everyone at the Perryville and Wentzville locations who is not fully vaccinated must still wear a mask.
- Continuing as of November 23, 2021, all plexiglass barriers will remain in place at all locations.
August 30, 2021, Ranken will continue to adhere to health guidelines for COVID-19.
- As of August 30, 2021, everyone at the St. Louis campus will be required to continue wearing a face mask regardless of vaccination status.
- As of August 30, 2021, everyone at the Perryville and Wentzville locations who is not fully vaccinated must still wear a mask.
- As of August 30, 2021, all plexiglass barriers will remain in place at all locations.
July 30, 2021, Ranken will continue to adhere to health guidelines for COVID-19.
- As of July 26, 2021, everyone at the St. Louis campus will be required to wear a face mask.
- As of July 26, 2021, Perryville and Wentzville currently do not have mandates in place, but everyone who is not fully vaccinated must still wear a mask.
- As of July 26, 2021, all plexiglass barriers will remain in place at all locations.
June 1, 2021, Ranken will start transitioning from our COVID-19 Pandemic Response Plan.
- As of June 1, 2021. Students, employees, visitors, and vendors entering any Ranken location will no longer be required to take the surveys before entry.
- As of June 1, 2021. The stairwells in all buildings will no longer be one way.
- As of June 1, 2021. Temperature screening will no longer be conducted at entrances.
- As of June 1, 2021. All restrooms will go back to normal capacity.
- As of June 1, 2021. Masks are only required for anyone who is not fully vaccinated entering any Ranken location.
- Please see the instructions from the CDC on how to properly make and use face coverings.
If you are fully vaccinated, you may choose to wear a face mask or not.
Ranken Students Attending Class on Campus
In a conscious effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, Ranken Technical College will continue to follow CDC, state and city guidelines. We are making it our first priority to keep students, faculty, staff and visitors safe on our campuses. Below you will find our response plan that will be updated regularly as we learn new information. Our policies will be strictly enforced on campus grounds, and we ask that you adhere to them.
Prior to Arriving on Campus – Take Survey
Students must take the Student COVID-19 Entry Survey prior to attending classes on campus. The survey is found on the home page. This survey will ask whether students are having symptoms and if they have been exposed or tested positive for the virus in the past 14 days. It will also ask that students agree to wear a face covering; stay home and report if they have developed flu-like symptoms; and stay home and report if they test positive for COVID-19. The purpose of the survey is to help ensure students do their part to prevent bringing the COVID-19 virus on campus.
When You Arrive on Campus
It is your responsibility as a student and vigilant member of the Ranken community to monitor your health. If you are not feeling well, please do not come to campus. Security will screen everyone entering campus for temperature checks.
Everyone must use an entrance where officers are scanning before proceeding to their parking lot of choice. Please note: The Gray employee parking lot will be closed until one week prior to the start of the fall semester. Temperature scanning is available at the below locations:
St. Louis Location: Finney gate, Taylor gate, Walker Hall dispatch desk, Mary Ann Lee Technology Center gate, and the Employee lot during specified hours
Ranken -West Wentzville Location: Taylor building entry, Carpenter’s Hall entry
Ranken -Southeast Perryville location: main receptionist desk
Monitor Your Health
While the symptoms of COVID-19 vary among individuals, some of the most common symptoms to monitor include:
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Sore throat
- Loss of taste or smell
- Low-grade fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
If you have a fever of 100.4 or higher, you will be asked to leave campus. Dean of Academic Affairs will contact student for next steps.
- Depending on the situation, students may be placed in 14-day quarantine or have the option to get a COVID-19 test taken.
Wear the Mask
Under the ordinance of St. Louis City, you are required to wear a mask when entering any public space. Ranken mandates that all 3 campuses (St. Louis, Ranken-West, Ranken-Southeast) comply with our mask policy. Everyone MUST wear a mask at all times. Masks are to be worn covering both the nose and mouth. If you are wearing glasses or goggles, please adjust your mask to cover your nose, and your eyewear to rest over the mask, so lenses will not fog.
- Everyone on campus is expected to supply their own masks
- Instructors will also wear face coverings
- Not complying with the face mask policy will result in disciplinary action.
Remember to Socially Distance
We ask that everyone remain at least 6 feet away from one another at all times. Over the last few months, we have labeled buildings and public areas, as well as redirected high-traffic areas and stairwells.
- Stairwells will operate with one direction. You must follow the arrows of which direction these stairs may be taken. Please note, in buildings with more than one stairwell, the stairs are one way. Signs will be posted. Right for up and left for down. In buildings with just one stairwell, please use social distancing guidelines while on the stairs.
- Smoking areas are closed. If anyone must smoke while on campus, they should smoke in their vehicle.
- Plexiglass barricades have been installed in offices, along with the dining hall to protect employees and students
- For the time being, gatherings in hallways or seating areas are prohibited. There are signs making this known in those areas.
Classroom information
Students come to Ranken for hands-on education. Ranken places a high value on making sure all students get the necessary hours in the labs and shops for students to achieve the learning outcomes set on the courses. In efforts to provide a safe learning environment, the College has examined each technical department individually to determine the best guidelines for each area in terms of enrollment, classroom capacity sizes, social distancing in shops/labs, and sanitizing efforts. In most programs, students will attend their normal technical class schedule on campus. The attendance policy will remain in place with some modifications to provide flexibility in the event a student is quarantined due to the COVID-19 virus.
- Plexi-glass dividers will be installed at the tables.
- Social distancing guidelines will be enforced
- The Salad bar option will be eliminated, will offer Grab and go salad only.
- Condiments such as tomatoes, lettuce, etc. will be available at the wrap station.
- Pizza will not be self-serve.
- Fresh Ideas will serve all food options.
- Condiment station will not be in use. Condiment packets upon request.
- All food orders will be placed in to-go boxes and marked for the cashier to know what is in it before they approach check-out.
- Fresh ideas employees will be at the barn doors upon entering that area to control the amount of people entering the dining hall.
- Fresh Ideas will have a dining hall attendant that will be wiping down tables and microwaves continuously during operating hours.
Walker Residence Hall
For students who will be living in Walker Residence Hall, there are several guidelines to follow and be aware of.
- A negative COVID-19 Test is required for residents to move into Walker Hall.
- Residents must practice social distancing in community lounge areas and wear a mask.
- Residents are asked not to visit other residents where social distancing is not possible.
- Visitors are not allowed in Walker Hall until further notice.
- The game tables (Ping Pong, Foosball and Pool) in the lobby are closed until further notice.
- Shared spaces (bathrooms and kitchens) are encouraged to be cleaned daily.
Changes to the Bookstore
No more than four people in the store at one time. Please call if you have a question. To limit students in the store, everything will be done electronically.
Books will be ordered online from the third-party supplier. If you have any issues ordering, please call 314-286—4820 during Bookstore hours for assistance.
Tools will be picked up in class. Tool Request forms will be sent to your Insideranken email or by clicking on the attached link.
Ranken Gear
Ordering your Ranken gear can also be done online. We ask that if an item does not fit, please don’t wash. Exchange during your next visit to the campus.
Bookstore Hours
7:30 A.M-6:00 P.M
7:30 A.M-3:30 P.M
Ranken is Committed to Sanitization
While you were away, we’ve been steadily cleaning and sanitizing our buildings. Our cleaning company, WFF Facility Services, has sanitized and will continue to sanitize all surfaces and areas in our buildings with a highly effective disinfectant.
- Bathrooms are undergoing frequent cleanings throughout the day, and no more than two people are allowed inside at a time.
- High-touch areas are cleaned continuously throughout the day
- Instructors and employees have been provided with cleaning supplies in offices, shops and classrooms, and are required to clean throughout the day
- Hand soap and hand sanitizer are readily available in all bathrooms, and hand sanitizer dispensers throughout buildings
Protect Yourself and Others
As we adjust to this “New Normal,” it is important to exercise your greatest judgement and do all that you can to prevent yourself and others from being exposed to COVID-19. Remember:
- Wear a mask
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds
- Stay 6 feet away from others
- Keep your work and learning areas clean
- Do not come to campus if you are feeling ill or have a fever
- Adhere to building and school guidelines
- Practice patience and kindness as we adjust to changes for our learning and work environment
CDC Resources for COVID-19,
St. Louis City Health Department,
St. Louis County Health Department,
St. Charles County Health Department,
Madison County Illinois Health Department,
Perry County Missouri Health Department,
Our guiding principle is to promote and support the safety of the entire Ranken community.
We are closely monitoring public health guidelines and have developed policies, practices and expectations that individuals should follow to keep themselves and others safe. Before coming back to campus, each member of the community should thoroughly review and adopt campus safety guidelines. If a member of the Ranken community tests positive, those who they have had close contact with will be directly notified, while keeping the individual’s identity confidential.
Students and employees are expected to run through a daily symptom checklist.
- Do you have a fever temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit / 38 degrees Celsius without having taken any fever-reducing medications?
- Do you have a loss of smell or taste?
- Do you have a cough?
- Do you have muscle aches?
- Do you have a sore throat?
- Do you have shortness of breath?
- Do you have chills?
- Do you have a headache?
- Have you experienced any gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite?
- Have you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, been diagnosed with COVID-19, or been placed on quarantine for possible contact with COVID-19?
- Have you been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by a medical professional or a local public health official?
If you answer “yes” to any of the questions or if you think you have had close contact with a person identified as testing positive, follow the guidance below.
Students: please visit Inside Ranken, for further guidance.
Employees: please visit Pandemic Guidance, Information, & Response Plan – Coronavirus (COVID-19) for further guidance.
Messages From The President Concerning COVID-19 & The Ranken Community
April 17, 2020
All Students,
First, THANK YOU for your flexibility and continued engagement. We know that the quick pivot that was required of the country, and especially of you, our students, may have been painfully uncomfortable. We are all learning a new way. Change is hard but sometimes it is necessary. So, great job. I commend you for that. Because of your persistence and flexibility, we plan on ending many of the Spring Semester classes on the scheduled end date. I’m also excited to see the plans of specific departments on how the rest of the courses will end. These plans call for some of you to be back in the shops performing hands-on beginning as soon as conditions permit. Individual plans will be communicated to you through your department as each situation is unique and each class will be affected differently. Our goal is to finish the Spring semester successfully, the theory and the hands-on.
I’m sad to announce that the celebratory gathering, the graduation ceremony, has been postponed. I promise we will have more gatherings and ceremonies in the future when it is safe to do so. However, I do want to point out that just because the ceremony has been postponed doesn’t mean you won’t graduate! Once you meet the requirements, you will graduate and receive your diploma, regardless if you participated in a ceremony or not.
Based upon current recommendations from the appropriate authorities we are planning to start the Summer Semester on June 1st. Some online classes are scheduled to start as early as May 11th.
The above information mentions a lot about “plans”. Realize that these plans may change. Our top priority is the safety, health, and well-being of the entire Ranken community. We are continuously monitoring the situation and following the protocols that are applicable.
I started this email by thanking you for your persistence and flexibility. Please allow us to reciprocate. I know the plan mentioned above is not “One-Size-Fits-All”. The plan may not work for you! That is OK. Communicate with us. Contact your instructor. If you cannot reach your instructor, please click the red “We’re Online/We’re Offline” tab on the right side of the screen at .
We are here to help you. Together we can come up with a plan that does work for you. If you have fallen behind, or you are struggling, give us an opportunity to help. Our priority is to teach you, to ensure that you have learned the competencies. It is not too late! We can work together for success.
None of us knows exactly what the future will look like. One thing that I am sure about is that by working together and being flexible we can make the Spring Semester a success for you. The offices of the college are still functioning. If you need Career Services or help with Financial Aid or tutoring, again, please allow us to help you. If you are not sure how to access any of these services just click the red “We’re Online/We’re Offline” tab on the right side of the screen at .
I appreciate all your hard work during this trying time. I know that we are a great school, have the best students and graduates that are in high demand. Those factors combined ensure that together we will be successful!
Thank you,
Donald J. Pohl
Ranken Technical College
April 1, 2020
I hope this email finds everyone safe and healthy.
I appreciate all the efforts that you have put into adjusting your learning to an online-only format. I know that it can be challenging to learn in a different style, and I appreciate the hard work that everyone has put forth.
For now, please continue to participate in your courses in an online-only format.
If you are struggling in any way, please remember that we have resources available to help you. Reach out to your instructor if you need help. If you cannot reach your instructor, please click the red “We’re Online/We’re Offline” tab on the right side of the screen at . If help is “Offline”, type a message and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.
Know that you are not alone during this time. We are here to help.
Currently, the City of St. Louis is under a “stay at home” order until Wednesday, April 22, 2020. We are expecting that to be extended.
Based upon that information, we are anticipating having the students back in the shops in early May.
Specific instructions will be sent out on how this will be done. This timeline and instructions will be determined in consideration of recommendations issued from state and local authorities.
The faculty are working on specific details of how each program will finish out the semester successfully.
The directive is to meet the stated outcomes of the course.
The challenge will be to meet the hands-on outcomes.
This may mean that the semester will be extended for some of you.
The faculty will be sending out information that is specific for each program and each class.
Thank you for your hard work, patience and flexibility during this unique time in our community, nation, and world.
Donald J. Pohl
Ranken Technical College
4431 Finney Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63113
March 22, 2020
All students,
Just a reminder that all classes will begin in an online-only format tomorrow, Monday, March 23, 2020.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your instructor.
If you cannot reach your instructor, please click the red “We’re Online/We’re Offline” tab on the right side of the screen at . If help is “Offline”, type a message and someone will contact you back as soon as possible. We have more individuals readily available to answer the “We’re Online/Offline” tab requests, but you do have to leave a message and a valid email address.
If you need something from school, please contact your instructor first for permission. Your instructor will have to make the appropriate arrangements. If you just show up without permission or an appointment, you will be turned away.
Please log into and continue to check your email frequently for updates (at least daily).
Thank you for your cooperation.
Donald J. Pohl
Ranken Technical College
March 18, 2020
Ranken Community,
As you know, Ranken’s primary mission is to provide the comprehensive education and training necessary to prepare students for employment and advancement in a variety of technical fields. The COVID-19 virus has created a series of unprecedented challenges for the Ranken community when it comes to carrying out that mission. Important work has already begun, and the faculty and staff have demonstrated unparalleled energy and resolve in an effort to accomplish our mission using alternatives to the techniques and processes we are accustomed to.
Our mission is carried out in a three-part educational formula: General Education, Technical Education, and Work Ethic. These components are equally important and how we engage and learn each component will have to change during these challenging times. Our priority is to support the successful completion of the semester for all of our students.
Below are some specific guidelines and instructions concerning particular classes and how they will resume:
General Education/ BSAM
- Courses originally scheduled online:
- Courses originally scheduled online will continue to function as originally planned starting Monday, March 23, 2020 until the end of the semester.
- Each instructor will share instructions on how to make up any lost time because of the extended Spring Break.
- On-site seated General Education Courses (Certificate, Associate Degree, and Bachelor’s degree)
- These courses will be moved fully online starting Monday, March 23, 2020 and will remain online until the end of the semester.
- Instructors will send out more information specific to each class.
- We recognize that some students will not be optimally positioned for a successful online learning experience. Lack of computers, lack of access to reliable internet and other issues may need to be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
- Students can call or email Shari Elford at 314-286-3305 or to make an appointment to discuss individual needs and concerns.
Technical Education (Day and Evening Classes)
The technical component of your education is your major course of study. Training in a student’s major includes a thorough grounding in the theoretical principles upon which the more specific job-based skills are developed. That is, the theory, or “why” is taught in concert with the “how.” The “how” component is developed by extensive practical application of principles through hands-on training.
- Starting Monday, March 23, 2020 each technical class will focus on the “why”. The theory will be transitioned to fully online.
- Instructors will send out more information specific to each class. It is very important for students to put forth the effort to complete the online activities to help grasp the concepts so students are prepared to apply them in the shop/lab upon return.
- As stated above, we recognize that some students will not be optimally positioned for a successful online learning experience. Lack of computers, lack of access to reliable internet and other issues may need to be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
- Students can call or email Shari Elford at 314-286-3305 or to make an appointment to discuss individual needs and concerns.
- The technical courses will continue in a fully online format until Sunday, April 5, 2020.
- Based upon current information, on Monday, April 6, 2020 the technical classes will start focusing on the “how” component, the practical application of the “why”. This is the hands-on component.
- Specific instructions will be sent out on how this will be done as we near Monday, April 6, 2020.
- Students that are involved with internships or work study programs will need to follow the guidance and instructions of the host site. If the arrangements have changed since the beginning of the internship, please contact your instructor and share the details.
Work Ethic
Ranken Technical College, since its very inception, has been committed to cultivating values and attitudes that will lead to positive behavior. This commitment, which we refer to as work ethic, forms the third component of the education at Ranken.
- Students in day programs are awarded a work ethic grade for each semester that they are enrolled at Ranken.
- Technical faculty will assign work ethic grades for students at the end of each semester.
- Instructors will be sending out specific instructions on how your grade will be assessed for this semester.
It is our collective responsibility to support one another and help ease the anxiety and risk during this period. COVID-19 represents a serious public health concern. Ranken is committed to the well-being of our community members. These measures are being taken to slow the spread of the coronavirus while supporting our students’ education goals and the needs of faculty, staff and students during these challenging times. Regardless, these are imperfect solutions and the college offices are prepared to offer support. If you need additional help, please call or email Shari Elford at 314-286-3305 or to make an appointment to discuss individual needs and concerns.
You will continue to receive more details during the coming days. Please be sure to check your Ranken email frequently for updates on this situation.
Thank you,
Donald J. Pohl
Ranken Technical College
March 13, 2020
Ranken Community,
I am writing to announce that we have decided to extend spring break for all in-person and online students at all Ranken locations by one week in response to the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Classes will resume on Monday, March 23, 2020. Students that are involved with internships or work study programs will need to follow the guidance and instructions of the host site. Walker Hall residents will be receiving more information specific to the residence hall.
The college offices will remain open. The additional week of spring break will provide faculty and staff members time to prepare for the return of students.
COVID-19 represents a serious public health concern. Ranken is committed to the well-being of our community members. These measures are being taken to slow the spread of the coronavirus while supporting our students’ educational goals and the needs of faculty, staff and students during these challenging times.
You will receive more details during the coming days. Please be sure to check your Ranken email frequently for updates on this situation.
Each of us must act responsibly for the benefit of our entire community. If you are sick or become sick, you should stay home from work and class, avoiding close contact with others.
Donald J. Pohl
Ranken Technical College
March 12, 2020
As we near the end of Spring Break, I want to reiterate the message I stated in my previous email sent on March 5, 2020.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is concerned that there will be a spike in influenza and strep when students return from Spring Break, because of travel. Since the early symptoms of influenza and COVID-19 are similar, students experiencing flu symptoms should contact their doctor or other healthcare provider, where they can be tested . Students with flu-like symptoms should follow the guidance of the healthcare professional providing the diagnosis.
For more information directly from the CDC, follow this link:
The following are some flu season steps to help prevent the spread of illness:
- Seek medical attention when you experience flu-like symptoms.
- Do not go to class, work, etc.… until the symptoms are gone (especially the fever).
- Disinfect your living quarters and personal items such as books, computer, cell phones, vehicles, equipment, etc… using Lysol or other disinfectants.
- Wash recently worn clothes in hot water.
- Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
I want to strongly encourage anyone who is experiencing symptoms to stay at home. DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS. I realize that the Ranken attendance policy is strict and does not encourage staying at home when you are sick. We will continue to hold face-to-face classes and labs. However, effective immediately, Ranken is suspending the college attendance policy. If you are sick, do not attend class. Attendance will still be recorded as Present, Tardy or Absent; however, you will not be dismissed from a course or the college for exceeding the allowable number of absences. Again, the recorded attendance will be an accurate representation of whether you were in class or not; however, you will not be dismissed if you exceed the allowable number of absences. We are not requiring you to provide any documentation from a doctor or healthcare provider to justify the absence. The attendance policy will be suspended through the rest of the current Spring Semester.
I appreciate your cooperation and patience as we navigate this challenge to keep every member of the Ranken community healthy and safe.
Donald J. Pohl
Ranken Technical College
March 5, 2020
As we near the end of the last week before spring break, I want to wish you a safe and rejuvenating time off.
It is important to come back from break mentally refreshed and ready to take on the remaining weeks of this academic year. We are past the halfway mark of the semester, but there is still plenty of time left. That is good news especially if you aren’t quite where you want to be in your course work, but it also gives us the break at a very welcome time.
In short, you’ve earned spring break. Of course, there are many ways you can choose to spend your time. Some of you are going on trips; others may be traveling with friends, spending time with family or staying local to work. I hope you enjoy the week however you may spend it.
Please remember that “Living life to the fullest” is not the same as “Living foolishly”. It is especially appropriate to remember this as we head toward spring break. You may only live once, but engaging in dangerous, harmful or hurtful behavior can result in consequences that will follow you for the rest of your years.
Take proactive steps to keep yourself healthy.
With information about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) increasingly in the news, the Ranken Technical College community should be aware of the current local situation relative to the virus, as well as helpful tips on staying healthy. Ranken is monitoring guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and state health agencies regarding influenza and COVID-19. More information directly from the Centers for Disease Control can be found by following this link:
To this point, COVID-19 is still relatively rare in the U.S. This is, however, an active time for influenza, and the early symptoms are similar (including fever, coughing, chills, and congestion that develop quickly).
The CDC in the state reports that the St. Louis metro area is currently experiencing high rates of “influenza-like illness.”
There is some concern that there will be a spike in influenza and strep when students return from Spring Break, because of travel. Since the early symptoms of influenza and COVID-19 are similar, students experiencing flu symptoms should contact their doctor or other healthcare provider, where they can be tested for influenza. Students with flu-like symptoms should follow the guidance of the healthcare professional providing the diagnosis.
The following are some flu season steps to help prevent the spread of illness:
- Seek medical attention when you experience flu-like symptoms, especially if you or someone you have been in close contact with has travelled outside of the USA within the past 14 days.
- Do not go to class, work, etc.… until the symptoms are gone (especially the fever).
- Disinfect your room, books, computer, cell phones, vehicles, equipment, etc… using Lysol or other disinfectant.
- Wash recently worn clothes in hot water.
- Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing and wash your hands frequently.
During spring break, personnel will disinfect all high-traffic areas in all buildings throughout Ranken.
Enjoy your spring break. Be thoughtful and safe. Come back ready to take on the rest of the semester!
Donald J. Pohl
Ranken Technical College