Employers looking to hire Ranken graduates have an opportunity to connect with current students and graduates at Ranken Job Fairs that take place each semester. Ranken holds many employer-related events throughout the year, including job fairs and Ranken Experiences, to introduce potential employers to the school. Please find below our list of upcoming events for employers. Click each section to show information and signup links for each event category.

Ranken Job Fairs


Reserve a booth to present information about your company to the College and/or collect resumes from Ranken students.

 Ranken Job Fairs: 9:00am - 11:00am

 Ranken-West, Ranken-Southeast, Ranken-Central MO Job Fairs: 10:30am - 12pm


Sign up for a Ranken Job Fair at your preferred location:

Ranken Experience

Industry representatives are invited to visit with Ranken faculty and staff to learn more about the College. Networking begins at 7:45 a.m. and includes a complimentary breakfast followed by presentations and a tour.

Sign up for a Ranken Experience event at your preferred location:

Employer-related Calendar Events